Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday 5th September - Florence

Today is a 'rest day'. The only commitment we have is a 10am entry for Galleria degli Uffizi - the Uffizi Gallery. This museum houses one of the best displays of Renaissance art in the world.

Back to the mundane first - the Hotel David has a washing machine available for guests to use (€6 per load), and we took the opportunity to catch up on washing. We also had time for breakfast this morning, and it was lovely. We bought bus tickets from reception, and headed down to catch the D bus again - no problems today.

We got off just before Ponte Vecchio, and walked back to the museum. As we were a little early, we thought we would wander around the Piazza for a while, but when we got to the doors, the queues looked rather daunting, so we joined in. Errol had booked our tickets (jump the queue time:) ), but there was even a queue for the prebooked tickets today. The queue for people without tickets had an estimated 45 - 60 minutes wait!

Errol had another Rick Steve's audio guide, so we walked through and had Rick explaining the differences in techniques and styles as we went - it was very good, especially for novice renaissance art lovers like us! Unfortunately, some of the exhibits were closed for refurbishment. Again there is that sense of age and history that we don't get in Australia - these paintings were done in the 1500's, over 200 years before Australia was even discovered. Again, photos are not allowed in the museum, only a couple out the window.

We had also decided to do the tower in Palazza Vecchio, that way we would have a view back to the Duomo. Entry was €6.50 each, and then there were 232 steps to climb. But they didn't tell you that there were several hundred steps before you arrived at the start of the 232!! That's okay, we are tough, and there are places to stop on the way up for a short rest. The view from the top was amazing, and worth the climb. We took our time, and enjoyed the view before descending.

It was then over the Ponte Vecchio again to our favorite local supermarket. We bought drinks to chill for tomorrow, and lunch items for today. Sorting the bus was next. One bus stop just wasn't where it was supposed to be, so we walked back a block to Pritti Palace, and caught one there. Checked the washing, ate lunch, then found time to catch up with blogs, emails and rest.

With washing safely back in our room, we went to Happy Hour, and planned to go on to Piazalle Michelangelo, just up the hill, to watch the sunset over Florence. We met another Aussie couple from Toowoomba, also a Canadian couple who had planned on the same sunset trip too - we caught the bus with them. Watching the sun set over the city was lovely, we chatted with an American lady and her daughter while we watched the sun go down, shadows lengthen, and the lights come on.

Back on the bus - again didn't know quite which stop to disembark at, but managed only 1 stop short. Walked to a restaurant recommended by the hotel - Vecchia Osteria dal Nacchero. There were lots of locals in, and the food was good, although one dish was a little spicy.

It was lovely to have a day that was not quite so busy, we are relaxed and ready to hit the trails again tomorrow.

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